Saturday, December 11, 2010

Welcome To The Outer View

What you're looking at here, and reading, is the culmination of a dream I've been cultivating for the past several months. Let me give you a little background.

Back in February, after more than three years, I had to close down Web Digest Weekly e-magazine. It had become too time consuming keeping up with a weekly publication like that, and keeping it at the quality that both my readers and I had come to expect from it. It was a painful decision for me to reach, and one that I didn't make in the course of a few days, but over the space of a few months.

At that point, I began receiving a lot of emails asking for something new in which to feature much of the same content. Web Digest Weekly had originally been created to serve the writers I had met through several online communities; writers who are very talented but who had few resources available to them through which to get their work out into the mainstream market. A writer without readers is like the proverbial tree that falls in the forrest without anyone to hear it.

Over time WDW became a big success. I started with four pages on that web site. By the time I wrapped it up, it had twelve. The first month I had a few hundred views. By 2008 I had a few hundred thousand views. When I closed the site it was still getting around 60,000 hits per month. Writers, actors, reality stars, singers, painters, you name it, we had it. Reviews, a wildly popular advice column, my own page where I ranted and rambled about current events, the site was a lot of fun and I loved doing it.

Now, with The Outer View, I hope to continue the tradition I began with WDW but on a much less demanding scale. There will still be the interviews, the reviews, artists can feature their work here, and so on, but it will be a more relaxed pace which hopefully I can keep up with more easily. Once per month, the posts from that particular month will be combined into a .pdf file for download. By doing the majority of the mag in blog format I won't have to maintain a web site - at first anyway -  and it will be more readily available for folks to view at their leisure. With WDW, most of the posts were gone after a week and if you didn't get there in the seven days it was up you missed it. This new fomat will be a lot more user friendly and the content will always be available for anyone to find who wishes to search for it.

Thanks for your support and thanks for sticking by me as I've figured out this new format. WDW launched my own literary career and I am still here to serve the artists who give of themselves so freely for the public to find, enjoy, and celebrate.

Carey Parrish

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